03 5629 1010 | 69 Main Street, Garfield Victoria 3814

Rambo Travel Series Rug

Rambo Travel Series Rug


Rambo Travel Series Rug

Every detail of the Rambo® Travel Series (50g Lite) has been considered to deliver an unrivalled experience for your beloved horse’s happy and comfortable road trip.

This innovative rug design incorporates a contoured, quilted, microfibre outer and polar fleece lined top section offering warmth and superior moisture wicking properties while the mesh sides provide maximum airflow and exceptional ventilation.

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Every detail of the Rambo® Travel Series (50g Lite) has been considered to deliver an unrivalled experience for your beloved horse’s happy and comfortable road trip.

This innovative rug design incorporates a contoured, quilted, microfibre outer and polar fleece lined top section offering warmth and superior moisture wicking properties while the mesh sides provide maximum airflow and exceptional ventilation. 


The 50g fill ensures your horse remains warm in those key areas and avoids drafts. We’ve added our shine enhancing lining on the shoulder and tail flap to reduce the chance of rubbing. The smart, durable leather front buckle closure gives the Rambo® Travel Series Rug an elegant and secure finish, and Rambo® rug’s signature dual-leg arches offer freedom of movement. The tail flap is extra wide for tail protection and the wipe clean tail cord ensures an easy clean. Two adjustable surcingles offer a tailored fit and complete this stunning, functional, fashionable travel rug.

Top: Quilted 100% Polyester Fleece
Side: 100% Polyester Mesh

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Burgundy, Navy


6'9, 6', 6'3, 6'6