03 5629 1010 | 69 Main Street, Garfield Victoria 3814

Magictails Hair Hold

Magictails Hair Hold


Magictails Hair Hold

Magictails® Hair Hold is a water-based formulation that has been designed to be used on dry hair or clean damp hair. Magictails Hair Hold is formulated for strong hold, dries invisible and leaves no residue build-up.

The extra hold makes it easier to grip the hair when plaiting, it can also be sprayed over a finished style to keep the hair/coat in place.

Size: 250ml

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SKU: 10895 Categories: , ,


Magictails® HairHold is a water-based formulation that has been designed to be used on dry hair or clean damp hair.

Magictails Hair Hold is formulated for strong hold, dries invisible and leaves no residue buildup.

It is water based formulation, non flammable and can easily be washed out of the hair/coat.

The extra hold makes it easier to grip the hair when plaiting, it can also be sprayed over a finished style to keep the hair/coat in place.

Size: 250ml